Sasha DiGiulian indisponible 3 semaines

Suite à sa blessure à un tendon de la main à Arco, la grimpeuse américaine annonce sa non-participation aux championnats du Monde et à la coupe du Monde d’Atlanta qui aura lieu aux USA à la fin du mois. Elle prend 3 semaines off pour soigner son doigt. Voici son communiqué en anglais sur Facebook :

‘I had another doctor’s appointment today and thankfully he was very understanding of my desire to work around injuries and my stand against having surgery. He also gave me relatively good news in that I only have to stay off for 3 weeks, then I can tape and climb again gradually. I am so sad to be missing Paris and the World Cup in Atlanta, but recovering is crucial and I am really motivated to be back in full strength soon!’

Bon rétablissement Sasha !

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