Himalaya : l’évolution des glaciers n’a pas de relation avec le réchauffement global

Pour mémoire, les glaciers himalayens contribuent très peu à l’alimentation en eau douce des grands fleuves asiatiques.

L’équipe de glaciologues qui affirme qu’il n’y a pas de lien entre évolution des glaciers himalayens et le réchauffement global se base sur l’étude de 35 glaciers.

Le glacier ‘Mentossa’ est en expansion, le glacier ‘Kangriz’ stagne.

‘CHANDIGARH : Glaciers are here to stay in the Himalayas. Studies conducted by glaciologists across the Himalayan region in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand have shown that global warming has little to do with their melting. The conclusion was drawn by glaciologists after studying the behaviour of 35 Himalayan glaciers. The Mentossa glacier in Miyar valley of Lahaul-Spiti in Himachal Pradesh has, in fact, expanded in the last few years while there is no change in the Kangriz glacier in Zanskar valley of J&K since 1913. Glaciologists, claiming that global warming and melting of glaciers have no relation with each other, say each glacier is behaving in a different manner. Had global warming been responsible, then all of them would have behaved in a similar manner, they claimed (…)’

Source de l’extrait : Time of India 

Source de l’info : Objectif terre des Hommes

Voir également : Les glaciers Himalayens sont là pour rester 


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